February Meeting
Meet and Greet at 12:30
General Meeting 1:00 to 2:30
Introduction to Beekeeping
Saturday February 22nd, 2025
1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Tillamook County Library
Community Room
Seating is limited. Please Register!
During this class, you will learn everything you need to know to determine if you want to get started in the wonderful hobby of beekeeping.
We will cover the science of the honey bee, the challenges faced in keeping honey bees for the bee and the beekeeper, and the equipment and tools necessary to keep honey bees.
March Meeting
April Meeting
Guest Speaker Carolyn Breece of Oregon State University Bee Labs will talk about an Integrated Pest Management Program for the whole year and to conduct a hive dive after her presentation. This is an awesome opportunity to learn from one of the best.
Guest Speaker
Carolyn Breece of Oregon State University Bee Labs will talk about an Integrated Pest Management Program for the whole year and to conduct a hive dive after her presentation.
This is an awesome opportunity to learn from one of the best.
Home and Garden Show!
May Meeting
Meet and Greet at 11:30
General Meeting 12:00 to 1:30
Guest Speaker Andony Melathopoulos, Associate Professor, Oregon State University, Department of Horticulture will talk about Nectar and Pollen Plants of Oregon.
Andony Melathopoulos, Associate Professor, Oregon State University, Department of Horticulture will talk about Nectar and Pollen Plants of Oregon.
June Meeting
Hooah!!!! 250 Years of service!
Guest Speaker Ramesh Sagili, Professor and Director of the OSU Bee Lab, will provide us update on the labs research projects, honey bee health, honey bee nutrition, and honey bee pollination. Afterwards, he will conduct a hive dive at our apiary. A great opportunity to learn from the best. Don't miss it!
Ramesh Sagili, Professor and Director of the OSU Bee Lab, will provide us update on the labs research projects, honey bee health, honey bee nutrition, and honey bee pollination. Afterwards, he will conduct a hive dive at our apiary. A great opportunity to learn from the best. Don't miss it!
July Meeting
First Annual TBA Pic-Nic
11:30 to 1:30
Apiary Garden and Learning Center plot!
Details TBD!
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Tillamook Beekeepers Association.
Tillamook Beekeepers Association
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