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Moisture in the hive

  • 3 May 2022 5:37 AM
    Reply # 12765103 on 12763147

    You aren't the only one having this problem.  We definitely need to discuss this at the meeting.  You did the right thing tilting the hive with the standing water.  It was a good and important catch on your part.  Others need to follow your example of checking for moisture issues.

    The nights are still cold and so with so many bees giving off heat condensation is still a problem.  That means for a "quick and dirty" you can add a hive box with towels or the like in it and put it on the top of your closed up hive. Cover it with another outside cover or plywood or something and weigh it down. I did this once for a hive for the entire winter and it worked great.

    For ventilation which is equally important, a spacer with a notch cut out or tiny holes drilled in could be put on top of the inner cover. 

    There are lots of possibilities.  This definitely is an important topic.

  • 1 May 2022 8:16 PM
    Message # 12763147

    I have 2 hives, exact same set up,essentially right next to each other. One hive has very little moisture inside, the other has quite a bit. 
    The hive with moisture has standing water on the bottom board. The top inner cover was wet and appears a little moldy. 
    I did notice the non mold hive is tilted forward a bit and the moldy hive was perfectly level. Today I tilted moldy hive a tad bit to be at the same angle of the the other hive. 
    so, my question is, what is the best practice to keep the moisture out? 

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