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Time to add another box… Honey Super or Brood Box?

  • 18 Jun 2022 10:14 PM
    Reply # 12821410 on 12816766

    Tom, your father probably did use the deeps but that box ends up weighing a lot. You can get eight deeps in the spinner but it's tricky to get them in. 

    Most people put at least two mediums (6 5/8) on and often three sometimes four.  It's just easier to lift and the extractor does 20 at a time.

  • 18 Jun 2022 8:03 PM
    Reply # 12821380 on 12816766
    Deleted user

    I bought the 6 5/8 from the farm store. Just seems to me that my dad and I used the feeps as well for supers when I was a kid. The 6 5/8 just seem so small to me.  Maybe I'm honey greedy  

  • 17 Jun 2022 4:09 PM
    Reply # 12820480 on 12816766

    One big advantage of your size of frames is that when it comes time to extract honey you will be able to do 3x as many at a time. 

    I used deep boxes last year and the extractor only holds 4 at a time. 

    A medium super is 6 5/8” deep, and the shallow super is 5 3/4” in depth. 

    The shallow ones are only 4 3/4” deep 

    I’d say keep what you’ve got. I’m switching to the medium supers myself  

  • 17 Jun 2022 4:09 PM
    Reply # 12820479 on 12816766
    Brad York (Administrator)


    there are two sizes of honey supers

    medium for which the frames are 6 5/8 inches 

    shallow for which the frames are 5 3/4 inches

    medium is what we all use and what you can purchase at the farm store 

    shallows work fine, but are harder to obtain

  • 17 Jun 2022 3:31 PM
    Reply # 12820451 on 12816766
    Deleted user

    What size box do you all suggest for the honey supers?  I have the small 10 frame boxes that are only 6" deep but I feel like these are just to small.

  • 15 Jun 2022 2:58 PM
    Reply # 12817966 on 12816766

    You’re right about the bottom box Claire, it was vacant early in the spring. I removed it, placed  the top box on the bottom, and I’ve added two more brood boxes altogether. Its very well populated, although I haven’t done an actual inspection, but just looking down thru the frames it appears very full and active.

    I’m afraid that it’s probably going to swarm,  but I’m going to take my chances I guess, for now anyway. For now I’ve placed two medium honey supers on top of the 3 brood boxes. I’m planning on letting the colony draw out the frames for a week or two and then I’ll probably add the queen excluder. 

  • 14 Jun 2022 7:07 PM
    Reply # 12816850 on 12816766

    Definitely supers, two would be good for such a large colony. If the queen is laying in the top box I would use a queen excluder. Otherwise I wouldn't.

    I have to ask you a question. Have you been into the bottom box this year? They move up during the winter and the bottom box is often empty.  Normally we move the active frames down to the bottom box and let them work their way up again.  The reason I ask is three deep boxes full of bees ought to be enough for them to swarm unless they are eight frame boxes.

    Congratulations on a job well done!

    If you decide to do a split, I have an extra queen you can have.

  • 14 Jun 2022 5:18 PM
    Message # 12816766

    My overwintered hive consists of 3 deep brood boxes which, as I discovered today, are all very full of bees. The top box has a lot of stored honey. They need more room right away. Should I give them another brood box? Is it too early for a honey super? 

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