We thought we would share a story too funny not to tell - kinda at our own expense. We were checking our three NUCS (created with queen cells early in July) this past Monday. The first NUC had a queen and she had some very early eggs - possibly just from that day. NUC #2 had a queen - she was skinny - but no eggs so we think she still needed to fly. NUC #3 took us awhile to find the new queen and as we were excited to see her, SHE FLEW AWAY!!! We didn't know if we should run after her and we both just laughed as that had never happened before. So we decided maybe we were just helping her get a head start on her mating flight. Anyway, we just did some research and realized we should have left the box open so she could fly back in. To continue the story, we checked yesterday (Wednesday) and she was back in the hive. We are going to call her Tinkerbell! Hope you are all having a good bee day.