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Removing honey frames for extraction

  • 31 Jul 2022 8:38 PM
    Message # 12868958

    It continually amazes me all the good ideas people come up.  

    Jamie took out the frames she wanted to extract and put them in a tote WITH BEES the evening before she was going to extract, tote open.   By morning there were maybe ten bees left on the honey frames.  They had all gone back to the hive for the night.  (I hope I'm telling this correctly.)  She maybe took them in late at night.  It doesn't matter. Either works.    How easy is that!!!  Great idea.

    Honey needs to be warm in order to spin out easily.  So take that into consideration. She was spinning in the afternoon. Leaving the frames closed up in the sun would warm them or bring them to the honey house and put them in the closet with the radiator on. Do them a day or two later.

    Thanks, Jamie!

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