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Breathing beehive air

  • 12 Mar 2023 3:41 PM
    Reply # 13128941 on 13128841

    This is amazing Claire! Here’s what I found… Apitherapy:

    Apitherapy is a therapy that uses beehives and bee products including honey, propolis and royal jelly to strengthen the immune system and health. The Ancient Egyptians were the first to use apitherapy in their daily lives. Inhaling the air from beehives has Beehive air inhalation has proven to be very effective against respiratory illnesses, but the most effective has turned out to be the fight against immune disorders, such as allergies, susceptibility to infections, or chronic sinusitis.positive effects on psychophysical wellbeing.
    Last modified: 12 Mar 2023 3:57 PM | Brad York (Administrator)
  • 12 Mar 2023 2:21 PM
    Message # 13128841

    I think everyone knows how great a hive smells.

    Patrick Sullivan (pharmacist and beekeeper) was just here.  He's in the process of setting up the tubes, etc to breathe in beehive air.   I know nothing about such stuff and couldn't find much on the internet.  Here's a picture of them doing it in Slovenia. It will be interesting to learn more about this.

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