Here is an update on the late winter status of our TBA apiary. We started the winter with 12 hives and lost a weak one, so now have 11. Sugar bricks have been in the hives all winter. We treated them with Oxalic Acid vaporization in December and then again on February 10. Herb Boyce, Chris Weber and Patsy Weber checked the bottom boards today and mite counts ranged from 0 to 25. We will probably OA one more time soon before putting in Apivar in mid-March to maintain low levels. We have vent boxes on half the hives and just insulated lids on the others. A full inspection has not been done, because it is too early and too cold, but plan to do one on March 2nd if weather permits. We made a quick evaluation of hive strength by looking under the lid only. It appears we have six strong hives, two moderately strong and three weak hives. Those evaluations do not appear to have anything to do with what kind of lid (insulated or vent box) they have. A new hive log book has been started at the apiary shed indicating type and age of queen. We have 6 queens from 2022 that should probably be replaced this year. Overall, the apiary is in good shape to begin the year and to support queen raising.